What are dates for PGCDM
Generally PGCDM is conducted once a month, and days are Friday / Saturday / Sunday.
What happens after 3 days campus training?
After 3 days training at TOTALL, on line assignments are sent every month for 6 months.
Is PGCDM recognized by Indian Medical Council?
As the IMC Act recognizes medical qualifications offered through Bachelors, Masters or Doctoral degrees as ‘recognized medical qualification’, therefore, this training is not under the purview of the IMC Act.
Is there any educational support available after PGCDM?
All candidates are most welcome to write queries at www.sandeepan.in.
Whom to contact for joining PGCDM?
For assistance contact
Mobile: +91-9977565485
Email at: education@totall.in or sachinpingle@totall.in